Get on Track physically, mentally and allign with your future. Make your goals real. Are you ready to be pleasently surprised?

Bodywork, Alternative Health Practitioner and Healing Massage

Coaching for Business and Personal Breakthroughs

Counselling and Therapy

Psychic and Intuitive


The intent of my private practice is to create a unique, integrated approach to assist people and companies. Life can throw us curve balls, physical injuries, personal crisis, and the unexpected can result in a loss of identity and disoriententation. Companies can experience; sudden down turns, the need to reinvent, develop new markets, mergers or the need to shift corporate culture.

I utilize Transpersonal Psychology, Ontological Coaching, Ayurvedic and Chinese Medicine principals along with a myriad of bodywork disciplines to align mind and body; releasing pain, old patterns, improve outcomes and make space for new possibilities.


My Services

My work falls into four catagories:

- Bodywork, Alternative health practitioner and massage

- Onological Coaching

- Counselling and Therapy

- Psychic and Intuative skills

See All Services

Personalized and confidential.

I will take the time to listen to you and what is happening in your life, work and activities. I truely want to understand what your needs are, so that I can meet them.

My confidentiality Statement »

Monthy Dispatches

I find that there are trends that effect us all. I will post points of interrest and what research I have found to add to our enrichment. 

Read the Blog


My Practice

I have a private practice that lends itself to ease of access and scheduling. I do what I can to make my times available and am presently taking new clients. There is street parking and the office entrance is disability accessible. I do have a fully trained Therapy Dog on the premasis.


My idea of success when the root of an issue has been addressed and changed so that you can get on with your life and thrive.


Finding Gold and the End of the Rainbow

Finding the right person to work with, that understands you and what you are ready to change, can be a daunting task. I think that you will be pleasantly surprised and comfortable working with me.

My hope is that your expectations are exceeded.