Frequently Asked Questions


I have often half joked that my typical client has long term, quirky, chronic issues that have not responded to anything else. Be prepared to be surprised.

- Elaine Thompson.

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What is Bodywork?

Bodywork is a broad term for many different kinds of therapeutic touch, including massage, acupressure, Shiatsu, Craniosacral Therapy, Reflexology, Reiki, and many more. Each approach has strength and weaknesses. I see having training in each as an advantage because I can connect an approach that addresses a person’s temperament and need.

I work with the principals of Tensegrity, a term coined by Buckminster Fuller, all our systems, especially structure are interconnected. My Bodywork sessions include ancient healing techniques such as Shiatsu, Deep tissue and Swedish massage, Accupresure and Facia release. I am trained in Aurverdic and Chinese Medicine, these trainings address this interconnection. I look at structure and posture, while listening carefully to what you say and the circumstances that have created your issues.

My goals for you are: relief from pain, improved physical functioning, more freedom of movement, stress reduction, a balanced mind, and a heightened sense of body awareness, vitality, and well-being.

Why Get Bodywork with me?

Many people turn to regular massage and bodywork because of chronic pain. It might take a variety of bodywork methods and practitioners to create lasting change. One practitioner or method might take clients a certain point, and then its time to try someone or something else. To me this is inefficient. We will make a plan, and get you to your best self with the least amount of time used and bang for your buck. I get to the heart of a physical or emotional blockage quickly integrating and customizing appointments blending skills from all areas of my varied training. My idea of success is when your circumstances are resolved and you have conditions that you can then maintain on your own.

What is the difference between Coaching and Counselling?

The intent or Counselling is to unearth and resolve historical emotional blocks and issues that are impacting present mood, direction and redefining of self and ones choices.

Coaching is a process involving teamwork and synergy starting now. We launch from where you are presently to clarify and defining your goals. Then we make a plan together about how to approach making stepping into changes, overcoming resistance and defeating fears so that you have success along the way and maintaining momentum. This will achieve measurable actions, making your goals a reality.

I believe that when we have a plan, together it is possible to achieve anything.

Can I use my extended medical

It depends … Bring in your benefits outline and we can check if what we will be doing is part of what you can claim. I have more then one designation and registration number. Insurance companies and Union collective bargaining agreements have unique stipulations. Benefits packages and what they cover are subject to change.

I am not classified as designated RMT due to provincial definitions in British Columbia. I have decades of training and experience in Chinese and Ayurvedic Medicine. I am a Registered Professional Counsellor and have credentials, training and certification. If you have concerns lets talk about it.

I am very good at what I do. I can work with you to make a reasonable budget if benefits do not apply. The goal is for your situation to change. It is my goal to help you achieve and keep that result.