Reviews from Happy Clients


Bodywork Testimonials

I’ve been going to see Elaine for over two decades. She puts multiple healing practices together to fix almost anything. I would have to see multiple medical professionals to get the results of seeing just Elaine. I’d highly recommend her to anyone!
— — C Levi

Several years ago, when I was suffering from the lingering and inescapable pain of a herniated disc, I was referred to Elaine for a healing. I had seen chiropractors and physiotherapists and medical doctors . Elaine was able to do what no one else could - provide direct, real, relief and remedy to my injury.

Elaine approaches each person and their situation with a broad array of knowledge and talents, and treats them as the individual that they are. Her skills and training remove the need to see multiple health practitioners in order to get the treatments that are needed. She combines what is needed for you, in that moment, into one effective, personalized therapy. I recommend Elaine to anyone who is in need of care. From simple injuries to lingering undiagnosable problems, she can help.

— Violet Redekop

I have been going to see Elaine for a few years now. ( Elite Soccer and Ultimate sport injuries) She does amazing work and always had me coming out of a session feeling better then ever. She is truely amazing at what she does!

— Ty Barbieri

It is a pleasure to provide this testimonial for Elaine – she has been my massage person for over 10 years and she has always provided me with relief from my back/neck pain. She is a talented bodyworker who has used many different approaches to help resolve my pain. In addition, she is a wealth of information with respect to stretching, strengthening exercises and lifestyle management. She is a woman of integrity who takes joy in her work and deeply cares for her client’s wellbeing. I can’t recommend her highly enough.

— Rhonda B

I have been seeing Elaine for close to 20 years. I would be a broken mess without her!

— Wendy M

I first went to see Elaine when I was referred by a friend who stated..."She is a miracle worker"...and they were not wrong. I have cronic pain issues as well as had a broken tailbone at the time (2 years had not healed). Elaine did wonders to reset the area and to help me with the recovery for my body that had been compensating in strange ways due to the pain for so long. Some of those things still pop up from time to time but nothing like what I faced then. Finding her was a miracle for me. Thank-you Elaine, you gave me a big part of my life back!

— Cindy Christensen

Counselling Testimonials


It was 25 years ago when I first started seeing Elaine. She was some years my junior but I saw immediately that she had an unusual gift. Elaine spoke from a place of deep understanding and compassion. But to me more importantly she saw the underlying motivation and intensions within my life. It’s hard to believe, that it has been twenty five years now, and I still seek her insight and advice. Perhaps, it might go without saying that I have never felt judged, only encouraged to face my challenges with optimism, knowing that she was there for council or to mirror my ruminations if needed. In the years that I have seen Elaine, there have been many difficult times. Financial losses, family deaths, chronic pain, alcoholism, addiction to marijuana, premature retirement due to pain, career redirection; most recently the death of my darling friend and ex-wife., Nancy.

Elaine’s been a stalwart Friend and Counsellor.

— John Kuchenthal

I have known Elaine for nearly six years and was impressed by her professionalism and skill from the first time I met her. She is truly a jack of all trades, and can truly help in almost any situation. I personally had a period of very poor physical and mental health and I can honestly say that without Elaine, I'm not sure I would have made it through. She has such a big heart and will go above and beyond for her clients. If you have the opportunity to work with Elaine, count yourself lucky.

— Rita D.

Coaching Testimonials

I can not say enough about Elaine Thompson. She has a huge toolkit filled with skills and resources, that she expertly mixes and matches to custum create your experiance. Her efforts are so genuine and deeply personal to each client. I have sent countless friends to Elaine and each one of them received extremely unique and profound insights and care. And she does it all with humor sincerity and unwavering attention. Thank you Elaine for all you have done for me over these many years!

— Jane Panek

I have been a client of Elaine’s for seven years. I have found her to be highly professional and remarkably insightful in her approach. My sessions with Elaine have always been helpful “in the moment” as well as providing valuable perspective in the longer term. I love that she records our sessions so I can go back and listen again, over time.

— Maureen Labordias

Readings Testimonials

I approached Elaine for her insights on a challenging situation. I was grateful for an immediate response that was astute, practicle and empowered me to trust my own judgements with what I was experienceing. I can tell you that Elaine’s intuative preceptions are grounded in deep learning of a myriad of Healing Arts.
— Matt G

In November 2016 I had the pleasure of receiving a psychic reading from Elaine Thompson, I can honestly say that that reading changed my life. This was not my first encounter with a psychic by any means, however this was one of my most influential ones. Elaine unlocked pathways inside myself that I had blocked for a long time. She enabled me to see things through a different light, through understanding and compassion, I am forever grateful for her guidance. I would highly recommend Elaine to anyone seeking out a professional reading. She takes her time, is thorough and provides a recording of your session, and makes herself available if you have any questions following your session. I honestly cannot recommend this woman enough, if you have the pleasure of crossing paths with her you are blessed, she is one of a kind.

— Carrie Fedyk

I have known Elaine for many yers after hearing about her from a customer who whitnessed her do an intuative reasing on a dog in her store. The owner was amazed. I called her and soon was having her do her Psychic work on my animals and then me. Her acuracy is high on readings and she has been my go to person every time I have had to introduce a new four legged member to my family,. She also was able to do a body adjustment on my Husky who had put his foot out of alignment. I have reffered her to familiy members when a pet was missing and she was able to locate the pet and have it delivered safely to its rightful home. I highly recommend Elaine and the work she does.

— Margot S.

Elaine is an amazing intuitive and psychic. I have been to quite a few good ones before but I was really blown away by my reading with her. Not only was she incredibly thoughtful, and honest, she patiently explained to me the things I did not understand and took the time to answer all of my questions. I really loved that she made me comfortable with the process and was really very kind. Don't get me wrong, she was very straightforward in her reading of me and didn't mince words but she checked in with me so I was never too uncomfortable. I was navigating a very difficult point in my life and I know now that the direction that she gave me helped me to overcome some pretty tough challenges. Her work was invaluable to me and helped me change my life for the better. Thank you Elaine!

— Vanessa M

Elaine did a psychic reading for me probably 4 years ago and it was astounding how spot on she was in identifying how my relating to the outside world was affecting me in a detrimental way. Everything she said completely resonated with me and answered what I had been feeling my entire life. I have had numerous psychic readings with other people for over 30 years and have never had anyone really, truly see me and be able to so clearly articulate what was happening, and more importantly to identify what I needed to do in order to conserve my energy and move forward. I listened to the recording of that reading recently and was blown away that what she said several years ago answered the question of what I needed to do in order to deal with a current situation in my life. I feel blessed to have the tools Elaine has given me; thank you! -Lisa H

The first time I sought Elaine's guidance was for our family pet almost 20 years ago. My husband and I were preparing to separate and our dog was exhibiting signs of extreme distress. Elaine sat on the floor with him, massaging him and whispering. She was giving him a 'virtual impression' of the fall - leaves falling, cool air, running outside - to let him know when things would change, and that he would be fine. It was an extraordinary experience - and not one Id have thought possible if I hadn't heard about her first animal healing: a wounded skunk in her family backyard at age 3. Our dog managed very well through that transition. Since then, I have had both informal conversations and professional sessions with Elaine in which her powerful intuitive gifts have brought light to life's many changes - always with warmth and humour, often announcing unexpected but welcome surprises! I can recommend her work unequivocally.

— Abegael Fisher -Lang